Hi Sebastiano,

If you only use linear regression for the regression part, RK doesn't differ that much from KED. But in your case you want to do some special technique first, subtract that bit and interpolate the residuals. In my view this what the Hengl 2007 paper is all about. Allowing one to use any kind of technique to estimate the trend part, and interpolating the residual.


seba wrote:
Hi Paul
Well, in some way regression kriging is not too much different to kriging with external drift. My question is more directed to kernel smoothing techniques than to classical geostatistical tools. I should have read the mentioned paper some time ago...I'll go to give another look.


At 13.56 02/02/2010, you wrote:
Cornford, Dan wrote:


I am struggling to understand why you are interested in doing trend + residual separation? There can be no unique decomposition of a data set into ‘trend’ and ‘residual’, it is a judgement about what model you feel is most appropriate given your prior beliefs and observations (evidence). The only thing you can say about the model is to validate it on out of sample data (even as a Bayesian I say this!). So in a sense there is no correct decomposition, and any decomposition is valid (so long as it is correctly implemented ­ maybe that is your question?). Are some decompositions better than others? Well yes they are likely to be, but this largely depends on your data (and the completeness of the overall model).
An article by Tomislav Hengl goes into separately estimating the trend and then interpolating the residuals [1]. He calls it regression kriging. Might be interesting to have a look at it in light of this discussion.


[1] http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cageo.2007.05.001

author = {Hengl, T. and Heuvelink, G.B.M. and Rossiter, D.G.},
title = {About regression-kriging: From equations to case studies},
journal = {Computers \& Geosciences},
year = {2007},
volume = {33},
pages = {1301--1315},
number = {10},

In terms of your original question about the shape of the kernel there is no overall theory that I am aware of ­ different kernels will have different properties in terms of the function classes that they represent (e.g. differentiability, frequency response / characteristic length scales). Kernel families will have different null spaces which might or might not be important for your specific application and what you want to find out.

I’m not sure if this is terribly helpful … but I think it is the reality ­ everything depends on your data and your judgement (prior). Conditional on those you get a model and you need to validate this model carefully … then you are OK.




Dr Dan Cornford

Senior Lecturer, Computer Science and NCRG

Aston University, Birmingham B4 7ET

www: http://wiki.aston.ac.uk/DanCornford/

tel: +44 (0)121 204 3451

mob: 07766344953



*From:* owner-ai-geost...@jrc.ec.europa.eu [mailto:owner-ai-geost...@jrc.ec.europa.eu] *On Behalf Of *seba
*Sent:* 02 February 2010 08:39
*To:* Pierre Goovaerts
*Cc:* ai-geostats@jrc.it
*Subject:* Re: AI-GEOSTATS: moving averages and trend

Hi Pierre

I think that for my task factorial kriging is a little bit
too much sophisticated (nevertheless, is there any open source or
free implementation of it ??? I remember that it is implemented in Isatis.....).

I have an exhaustive and regularly spaced data set (i.e. a grid) and I need to calculate locally the spatial variability of the residual surface or better I would like to calculate the spatial variability of the high frequency component. Here I'm lucky because I know exactly what I want to see and what I need to filter out. In theory, using (overlapping) moving window averages (but here it seems better to use some more complex kernel) one should be able to filter out the short range variability (characterized by an eventual variogram range within the window size???).
Seeing the problem from another perspective, in the case of a perfect
sine wave behavior, I should be able to filter out spatial
variability components with wave lengths up to the window size.
But maybe there is something flawed in my reasoning....so feedback is appreciated!

At 16.27 01/02/2010, you wrote:

well Factorial Kriging Analysis allows you to tailor the filtering weights to the spatial patterns in your data. You can use the same filter size but
different kriging weights depending on whether you want to estimate
the local or regional scales of variability.


2010/2/1 seba < sebastiano.trevis...@libero.it <mailto:sebastiano.trevis...@libero.it>>

Hi José

Thank you for the interesting references. I'm going to give a look!



At 15.46 01/02/2010, José M. Blanco Moreno wrote:

Hello again,

I am not a mathematician, so I never worried too much on the theoretical reasons. You may be able to find some discussion on this subject in Eubank, R.L. 1999. Nonparametric Regression and Spline Smoothing, 2a ed. M. Dekker, New York.

You may be also interested on searching information in and related to (perhaps citing) this work: Altman, N. 1990. Kernel smoothing of data with correlated errors. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 85: 749-759.

En/na seba ha escrit:

Hi José

Thank you for your reply.

Effectively I'm trying to figure out the theoretical reasons for their use.



Pierre Goovaerts

Chief Scientist at BioMedware Inc.
3526 W Liberty, Suite 100
Ann Arbor, MI 48103
Voice: (734) 913-1098 (ext. 202)
Fax: (734) 913-2201

Courtesy Associate Professor, University of Florida
Associate Editor, Mathematical Geosciences
Geostatistician, Computer Sciences Corporation
President, PGeostat LLC
710 Ridgemont Lane
Ann Arbor, MI 48103
Voice: (734) 668-9900
Fax: (734) 668-7788


Drs. Paul Hiemstra
Department of Physical Geography
Faculty of Geosciences
University of Utrecht
Heidelberglaan 2
P.O. Box 80.115
3508 TC Utrecht
Phone: +3130 274 3113 Mon-Tue
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