I asked Dan Hollis and he said that it "would be most
helpful" if I went through this page
http://www.linux.org.uk/OSS/ and figure out what cards
on the list weren't on the ALSA matrix.  

It turned out to not be as helpful as I hoped because
the list was out of date and unclear on a lot of

I also looked around the cards/ directory and tried to
make corrections.  The thing is that I'm not sure if
these additions and corrections are right.  

--------Additions to the list----------------
Vendor          Card                            Driver  

//  These five I am unsure of                           
Acer            AcerMagic S23                   CS4232  
Acer            Acer FX-3D                      ad1816  
Terratec        Terratec Base 1                 ad1816  
Terratec        Terratec Base 64                ad1816  
MediaTriX       Audiotrix PRO                   trix (OSS Only) 

// In the end these are the only ones I'm sure about. 

SiS             SiS SI7018                      trident 
Midiator        MS-124T                         serial  
Midiator        TMS-124W S/A                    serial  
Midiator        TMS-124W M/B                    serial  

There is no ad1816 driver only ad1816a.  I don't know
what it ad1816 should be.

There is no adatpcr driver
There is no AU8830 driver
There is no cs4235 driver it should be cs4236
There is no mozart driver it should be opti92x-ad1848
The spelling nv256 should be nm256 

I'm confused about the opti drivers...  I think these
got seperated and renamed but I couldn't figure it

I'm send this both to the alsa-devel list and to Dan

dan carpenter (error27 on irc.debian.org)

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