>Exactly. I would prefer the second as if I needed to add a third, 4th its
>takes no effort and I don't reinvent the wheel as they say.
>Does alsa support 2 or is this just JACK's.

No, ALSA does not support it *in general*. Some interfaces will work
this way, some will not. In theory, the ALSA "share" device type will
allow this, but apparently almost no-one has ever used it except its
main author.

>The mathematics may be simple for 1 but why should it be done over and over
>again. An API is meant to take away repetitive annoyances ;)

the mathematics, such as they are, consist of addition.

the real problems you face have to do with sample rate and sample bit
width conversion, which are entirely different. i and others have said
before that it would be nice if alsa-lib exposed the code it contains
to do this stuff so that it could used in other contexts (not just
hidden as part of "plug" or "plughw" device implementation.


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