Laurent Georget wrote:
> Excellent!
> Well, you wrote  that there is a sample implementation of this pcm_meter ,
> but I can't find it (searched in alsa tools / utils , and searched  with
> google with no good result)
> Anyway, i'm going on trying to use it

Install alsa-driver, alsa-lib, alsa-oss.
Insert (adapting it) this in your .asoundrc

pcm_scope.level {
        type level

pcm_scope_type.level {
        lib /u/cvs/alsa/alsa-lib/src/pcm/scopes/.libs/

pcm.dsp0 {
        type meter
        slave.pcm 'hw:0,0'
        scopes.0 level

Then try:

aplay -D dsp0 file.wav

or the more complex

aoss realplay /u/music/real/music.rm

and you'll see amazing things ;-)

Abramo Bagnara                       mailto:abramo.bagnara@;

Opera Unica                          Phone: +39.546.656023
Via Emilia Interna, 140
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