Your exclude statements need to match the request. If index.htm is in your
root you'll want at least this:

FILEEXCLUDE /index.htm

However, if there are any query parameters you'll need to match those, so
probably more likely this:

FILEEXCLUDE /index.htm*

See for details.

However, I'm not sure that answers your original question. Analog's reports
will show the top number of results based on FLOOR settings. You can change
the floor for a given report to have it show more data. For example, this
will show all requests (because everything has at least one request):


See for details.

Also, if you just want a report that shows PDF, you can use the FILEINCLUDE
to get that (assuming no previous FILEEXCLUDEs exist in your config):


As you'll find if you peruse the archives of this list, PDF requests often
show multiple times for a given file because some versions of Adobe Acrobat
Reader will load a page at a time from the server. So the number of requests
to the PDF may be higher than the actual number of reads.

As HTTP is stateless and cached, there's no accurate way to ensure that you
know how many actual read you had.

Jeremy Wadsack

On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 9:52 AM, Christoph Kukulies <>wrote:

> Our marketing people are interested in how often certain .PDF documents
> accessed (downloaded)
> but depending on the hit statistics these do not appear in the listed files
> (only under others).
> I already thought of putting index.htm (the most accessed files in folders
> and subfolders)
> on the FILEEXCLUDE list. This doesn't seem to work.
> FILEEXCLUDE index.htm
> doesn't make it disappear in the statistics of accessed files.
> --
> Christoph
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