Jeremy Wadsack <> wrote:
>> Sorry, you're right, the ARGSINCLUDE just says which page to break
>> out into arguments. You can't select arguments from the list.
>> The Search Engine reports looks at the referrer. The Internal Search
>> Engine reports look at the request data.
>> So from the example in the docs in that link below you would use
>> something like this:
>> You may have to run separate reports or maybe just extra lines to
>> add the 'client' and 'site' parameters. Test it out and see what
>> happens. 

As far as I can tell, INTSEARCHENGINE will only take the first entry in the 
.cfg file, if you specify the same Engine with multiple parameters. So you can 
see either the q, client or site field in any one report, you can't get them 
all in the same report.

And you'll probably need to add
to see anything

>> Note that Analog does not do multivariate reports so you won't be
>> able to get a report of site parameter by client, for example.

Actually, in this case you _might_ be able to do something like that with some 
FILEALIAS commands. 

FILEALIAS /search?*client=*&*&site=*&* /$4?$2

would give you a Request Report that showed how many requests were made by each 
client type to each site.


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