Jeremy Wadsack <jeremy.wads...@...> writes:

> On Tue, Nov 10, 2009 at 2:40 PM, Aengus
<> wrote:
> FILEALIAS /search?*client=*&*&site=*&* /$4?client=$2
> Also, note that depending on your backend code and how the URL's are created
you may need to use two FILEALIAS commands to catch all of this:
> FILEALIAS /search?*client=*&*&site=*&* /$4?client=$2
> FILEALIAS /search?*site=*&*&client=*&* /$2?client=$4You could check your
server logs and see if the parameters ever change order.--Jeremy Wadsack 

The parameters do change order and there can be any number of parameters in the
middle or before.

Also, for the "Internal Search" report, I want to report off of the "q" value so
it looks like I'll have to run two separate reports to get that data since the
FILEALIAS mangles things up for that.

Thanks for the assistance and guidance.


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