Sounds sensible.


On 25 Feb 2009, at 17:08, Jean-Baptiste Queru wrote:

> It would take more effort to support 2 developer devices instead of 1.
> The current message from the developer community is crystal clear: the
> effort that's currently being spent on the ADP1 by the people who can
> resolve the current issues with it is frustratingly inadequate. Adding
> a second device on those people's plate is unlikely to make things
> better.
> On Wed, Feb 25, 2009 at 8:01 AM, Daniel <> wrote:
>>> You only have to look at the "fun" people are having trying to get  
>>> an
>>> updated ADP1 image to see how the support for developer devices is
>>> falling a fair way short of where it should be (remember, the ADP1  
>>> which
>>> is targetted at developers can't see paid-for apps yet, so the very
>>> people who are suppose to be writing the apps can't see what the  
>>> users
>>> are saying).
>> Is that an issue that would require double the effort to resolve if
>> there was more than one developer phone available? Or would the
>> solution on the ADP1 also solve the problem on the ADP2?
>>> I doubt that a G2 would be cheaper than a G1 in terms of buying it  
>>> and
>>> shipping it as a developer phone, so I can't see why there would  
>>> be a
>>> solid reason to do it. If you don't like the current ADP costs,  
>>> why not
>>> pick up a FreeRunner from Koolu, or use one of the ports for some  
>>> of the
>>> commodity hardware that's already available (e.g. NITdroid on an  
>>> N810).
>> The handset cost is not the real issue here - it's more about  
>> having a
>> variety of handsets available for developers, as well as the various
>> marketing and promotional activities that might be undertaken by a
>> firm developing with Android.  Amongst other things, some people have
>> commented on the G1's physical appearance, and the G1 has battery  
>> life
>> issues.
>> Thanks for the heads-up about FreeRunner, I had not seen that phone,
>> although I notice they don't offer quad band.
> -- 
> Jean-Baptiste M. "JBQ" Queru
> Android Engineer, Google.
> Please don't contact me directly.
> >

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