Ah, given that both sides are loopback, TCP/IP doesn't really even
enter into it in a meaningful way. I think the problem pretty much has
to be with your client.

I began suspecting that once you mentioned that closed connections
stayed open until you killed the process. A RST on one should trigger
a close on the other side.

I've had good luck with openSSH, and though I've not used it heavily,
I've heard good things from others, so I think it's a solid choice.
But google around, there are others.

Another possibility is to use OpenVPN. This will let your clients talk
directly to the target server or servers, rather than to a local
forwarded port. This is a lot more flexible, if that's a good thing.
If you want to lock down and limit access, you're better off with port

On Feb 3, 10:55 pm, mericksonj <mericks...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The lack of an application-level timeout does explain why software
> will generally hang.
> The error message that I've seen the most is as follows:
> java.net.SocketTimeoutException: The operation timed out
> Now,  in my tests with a PC, the sockets are generated and torn down
> dynamically with the client always connecting with its random port to
> the same passive port on the server.
> The android device will not tear the connection down however after the
> exception.  The session will stay up indefinitely as established on
> both ends until I kill the port forwarding process.
> There does also appear to be situations where I can get a directory
> "list" received from the server to show up on the client device
> (subsequent cwd commands work, but list will fail), but it seems to be
> intermittent and very erratic.  Which leads me to take more notice of
> the buffer messages rather than a specific point in the code that
> breaks down.
> As for NAT or Firewall issues, all client communications are looped..
> meaning that with the TCP tunneling in place, all FTP packets are sent
> to where it is picked up by SSH for crypto and encaps into
> another IP packet.  Once at the SSH server, the outer packet is
> stripped, contents are decrypted and sent to the FTP server.  The FTP
> server (same box as the SSH server) thinks it came from and
> uses that same IP for its replies.  I guess that's just the long way
> of saying that each device thinks it's talking to itself, so there's
> no NAT or firewall confusion.  At least not until I move the FTP
> service off my SSH server, but even then IP masquerading in the
> proftpd_conf will fix the NAT issue.
> I really think a TCP dump would help the issue.. at least I could see
> how big the FTP packets are, if they're being fragmented, and when/
> where they're being sent.  I just found the tcpdump on the emulator,
> how can I filter out the non-interesting packets?
> I would like to try similar port forwarding tests using adb or other
> tools, is there a recommended tutorial on how to use the port
> forwarding there?  will it be able to simulate what I'm doing with
> SSH?
> Also maybe trying a different SSH client would help, is there anyone
> besides connectbot that accepts RSA keys and allows TCP port
> forwarding?
> --
> Regarding the security discussion, I think in my setup I'm pretty safe
> since all FTP packets are looped within client/server platforms as
> described above, but you do make a case for FTPS w/out encryption that
> could maybe alteast mask the username and password within the system
> or in case I ever do move the FTP server off the SSH box, then again,
> it is at least on a trusted network once the SSH server decrypts it.
> Again, Thanks!
> --James

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