You're reinventing the wheel here, back before they invented circles.

SFTP uses the same port as SSH (22 is the standard, but you can
substitute if you want to throw off port-scanners) -- you would not be
opening another port.

FTP is *extremely* problematic in the modern world. Originally, it
required that the SERVER open a port back to the CLIENT.

This almost always fails, these days, due to NAT, firewalls, etc. But
it is still the default in many clients. Even if you managed to make
it work, it would be highly insecure -- your data would NOT be going
through your secure channel, and you must open up ports on the client!

You'd have to use so-called "passive" FTP. You may even find clients
that don't implement it.

You're certainly going to be plagued with client differences. You're
certainly doing kinda-a-the-same-thing, but with a lot more
complexity, security issues, and problems.

Really -- if you have control over the server side, DO NOT implement

On Feb 3, 9:01 am, mericksonj <> wrote:
> The TCP port is entered correctly as 2121 when I connect to FTP, the
> FTP cpntrol session is started properly according to the server logs.
> I am not using SFTP since I have disabled the sub-system on my SSH
> server.
> I am trying to use SSH TCP forwarding alone to establish and maintain
> the ftp session sice most FTP clients won't support 1024 bit RSA key
> authentication.
> I am considering FTPS, but I'm not sure I want to open up another port
> to the internet.  The SSH service is the only one I currently allow
> through the firewall.
> Can you tell me more about the Java error message I'm getting? or
> maybe if there are any android native FTP apps I can use?
> Thanks!
> --James

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