On Feb 25, 7:58 pm, Streets Of Boston <flyingdutc...@gmail.com> wrote:

> How do you make a time limited trial version, where limiting the time
> is fairly fool-proof? How do you know how long the user has your app
> installed (including the possibility that the app has been uninstalled
> one or more times...)?

I go the server-registration route. The app in question already needs
net access, and I have a server that it talks to already, so I just
created a narrow MySQL table server-side and a simple PHP script to
interface with it. Essentially, I store the IMEI, app version number,
and the date of first use, and use that to validate the trial period.
My original implementation didn't include version number, but I soon
realized that it was desirable to let people re-trial when I released
a new version.

I've also decided not to bother with any encryption on the trial
period validation. I recognize that my approach is vulnerable to MITM
attacks, but it's sufficient to keep honest people honest; if
someone's going to that much trouble to screw me out of $2, there's
not much hope, is there? Besides, the whole Android-market piracy
aspect is a much bigger security hole. It's far more likely that
someone will simply download my license app from a warez site than
bother with cracking my validation routine.


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