I think in this situation, the IMEI is a better choice for identifying
when a trial has expired. You'd like to let them try your app on their
new fancy faster phone with the bigger screen!

The ANDROID_ID is a better choice (if it really is tied to the account
and not the phone?) if you're checking a paid license. But is there
value in doing that? It would seem to simply duplicate the fact that
they'd done the purchase in the market, and not provide any additional

The IMEI approach works even for phones with no Market access, if
you're looking to sell your app via other channels. Does the
ANDROID_ID exist on devices even when there's no Marketplace?

On Feb 26, 7:13 am, Streets Of Boston <flyingdutc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks for the info! Especially the bit about the re-trial is
> interesting.
> But i have one question:
> You use the IMEI number. What if the user gets a new phone?
> Aren't app downloads tied to a user's Google Checkout account. If the
> user gets a new phone, uses the same Google Checkout account, he/she
> has to buy your app again. Shouldn't you use the 'ANDROID_ID' instead?

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