Hello Chad,

thank you for your detailed answer as sorry for the delay of this feedback.

1. I fixed the bug in the M2 stable release as you said and it seems to
work pretty well. I tried it with some errors in my model and got very
helpful validation error messages. That's cool!

2. I totaly agree with you that meaningful exception messages are an
absolute must have for a MDA generator framework. My greatest problems with
andromda at the beginning were exception messages of the mda target that
didn't give any clue on what was wrong in the model.
But one more question on the validation process: will the generator stop as
soon as the first error in the model occurs or will it first run a complete
validation on the whole model and report them all? (I haven't tried it out,
I have to admit...)

3. What I would like to have in the log files is an info about which model
element is currently processed by the templates. Is there any way to add
this information to the log output? That would be really great. (Or is it
allready there and I just haven't seen it?)


Unfortunately not everything has constraints defined,
so some things won't have messages. However in most
cases, at the end of model processing you should see a
list of model validation errors telling you what
you've done wrong (they are collected during
validation and then listed at the end of processing).
But, (and this is my fault), there's a bug in the M2
release, the message telling you exactly what is wrong
is not being rendered, this means the messages will
all say something like this:
"$str.toSingleLine($constraintDocumentation)" (instead
of the real message).  This bug is fairly annoying and
we've been contemplating doing an M3 release faily
soon just so we can have this working correctly (since
its an important feature).

This bug (its in the meta cartridge) has also lead us
to realize the importance of testing cartridges each
time we build.  So we've come up something that should
work pretty well for that. I'll be getting that
testing framework done soon.

If you'd like to fix this bug before M3 (or you can
always build from current CVS), its pretty easy to to
do, what you'll need to do is the following:

1) download the M2 source distribution.
2) unzip to any directory and navigate to
3) Open up andromda-cartridge.xml in that directory
and change this template object className to be
4)change back to andromda-src*/
5) type 'maven bootstrap-install'
6) type 'maven clean'
7) type 'maven dist'

You should find the distribution in
andromda-src*/target/distributions (and they all
have the correct validation messages)


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