I was wondering if there's any way in Ant to set an environment variable
once before a series of <exec> tasks.  Consider the snippet of build.xml
below that is used to set the environment variable 'CL' before executing
the command line compiler 'msdev.exe'.  This XML works, but is an error
prone maintenace headache because the nested element <env> must be
repeatedly used.  Is there any way around this, such that I can set  the
environment variable 'CL' once before multiple <exec>'s?

Ron Coutts

        <target name="BuildEnvironmentPkg" depends="Init"
if="BuildConfig" >
                <exec executable="msdev.exe">
                        <env key="CL" value="${MsdevDefines}" />
line="${basedir}/Code/EnvironmentPkg/EnvironmentPkg.dsw /MAKE
'Environment - Win32 ${BuildConfig}'" />
                <exec executable="msdev.exe">
                        <env key="CL" value="${MsdevDefines}" />
line="${basedir}/Code/EnvironmentPkg/EnvironmentPkg.dsw /MAKE
'EnvironmentAutoTest - Win32 ${BuildConfig}'" />

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