From: "Maciej Zawadzki" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> run an Ant script with the fragment below, the .gz file that is created
> contains a .tar[1] file rather than a .tar file.  This only happens if I
> execute the ant script on Linux, it works fine on Windows 2000.
>         <!-- .tar.gz all the source code to the deploy directory -->
>         <tar tarfile="${dist.dir}/${name}-${version}-src.tar"
>             basedir="${src.dir}" />
>         <gzip
> zipfile="${deployDir}/${download.dir}/${name}-${version}-src.tar.gz"
>             src="${dist.dir}/${name}-${version}-src.tar" />
>         <delete file="${dist.dir}/${name}-${version}-src.tar"/>

How did you check what files are contained inside the gz file?

Did you use native

gzip -l


gzip --list

?  If not, will you please ensure that?


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