Artur Meski said:
> I would like to know if it's possible to set httpport in the
> configuration file or I have to specify it on the command line (if it's
> privileged port).
Well, it should be possible. And it was possible in 3.5.6, which I was
using before last week. I wasn't running on a privileged port on 4.0, so I
didn't notice this bug, which I now think it is.

To recap:
starting the server as root on a port <1024 defined in nsd.tcl, switching
to an unprivileged user "nsd" with -u:
[02/Dec/2003:13:24:44][26609.3209707648][-main-] Error: nssock: failed to
listen on Permission denied

Starting as root with the same command line, but adding "-b",
server starts fine.

Starting the server on a port >1024 defined in the config file works fine
as well.

Another bug(?): when I send the server a normal kill (TERM), it comes so
far as:
[02/Dec/2003:13:35:48][26689.3209711744][-main-] Notice: nsmain:
AOLserver/4.0 stopping
[02/Dec/2003:13:35:48][26689.3209711744][-main-] Notice: serv: stopping
server: server1
[02/Dec/2003:13:35:48][26689.3209711744][-main-] Notice: serv: connection
threads stopped
[02/Dec/2003:13:35:48][26689.3209711744][-main-] Notice: driver: shutdown

But doesn't actualy exit. I need to send it another TERM to make it exit.

This is all running on "Linux wombat 2.4.22-1.2088.nptl #1 Thu Oct 9
20:39:56 EDT 2003 i686 athlon i386 GNU/Linux" which is the Fedora final
beta distribution. ("Severn")


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