On 9/6/06, John Buckman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'd like to keep a permanently connected socket connection to another
machine, with each aolserver thread having a socket that is already
connected to that other app.

I tried using the namespace trick to keep a global around, like so:

namespace eval sbuff {}
proc mysockget {} {
     global sbuff:mysock
     if {[info exists mysock] == 1} {
         return $mysock
     set mysock [socket localhost 9999]

but while the socket descriptor stays around with this trick,
aolserver automatically closes the socket itself.  This must be some
sort of cleanup code in aolserver, normally a good thing.

Is there a way to either:
1) have my socket NOT be cleaned up by aolserver
2) have a connected socket pool, like nsdb, but w/o any functionality
other than a connected socket

I'm not alone with this need, I know that Rusty needs to do this too,
and lots of tcpip socket protocols have login steps, that cause a new-
connection-per-adp-page strategy to be inefficient.

This does seem like a very useful feature to have...

The code that closes the socket is ns_cleanupchans defined in
nsd/init.tcl (in the 4.5 source distribution).  It is called by
ns_cleanup.  You could modify your ns_cleanupchans to ignore (in
addition to the stdin/stdout/stderr channels it already ignores) the
chan in your sbuf::mysock variable.  I.e., something like:

proc ns_cleanupchans {} {
   ns_chan cleanup; # close shared channels first
   set except ""
   if {[info exists ::sbuf::mysock]} {
       set except $::sbuf::mysock
   foreach f [file channels] {
       # NB: Leave core Tcl stderr, stdin, stdout open.
       if {![string match std* $f]} {
           if {$f != $except} {
               catch {close $f}


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