On Thu, Oct 26, 2006 at 12:50:34AM -0700, Dino Vliet wrote:

> can someone provide me an example of a configuration
> from aolserver 4.5? I'm especially interested in the
> database parts so what has to go exactly into the
> ns/db parts and what modules to use.

I don't know anything about AOLserver 4.5, so I'm going to assume that
it's the same as for 4.0.10.x, and give you an answer for that.

This should be a good start:


> I'm particular confused if the nsdbo.so has to be
> loaded or not in the modules section. According to

Yes, you must list nsdb.so in the modules section so that it will get
loaded.  (You did not have to do this in AOLserver 3.x, but you do in
4.x.)  E.g.:

  set dot_so [info sharedlibextension]
  ns_section ns/server/$server_name/modules
     ns_param nssock  nssock${dot_so}
     ns_param nslog   nslog${dot_so}
     ns_param nsdb    nsdb${dot_so}

Andrew Piskorski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

AOLserver - http://www.aolserver.com/

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