On Apr 8, 2008, at 6:46 PM, Rick Cobb wrote:

I second your thought that setting direction would be good. But I find
it very easy to hear your input as "nullity is a good direction".

Tom will recognize me as someone who at times slaps him (or my forehead, in exasperation), but I do believe in this case you may be misunderstanding him.

He's arguing against change for the sake of change, and particularly his perception that one person at times acts as though AOLserver is his playground (i.e. changes made in 4.5 that weren't discussed beforehand in the community).

I would hope the community could be somewhat efficient at communication, discussion, and resolution regarding changes that affect existing users. But even if this isn't true, changes that affect us that are made unilaterally just piss people off.

AOLserver isn't a very popular webserver, but our small world includes people running large sites (you with your 10,000 sockets, in the OpenACS case university environments with 40,000 users running on our e-learning platform). It's important that the community be involved, and that changes not simply be made, announced in release notes, by fiat.

I think that's sorta the scenario Tom's ranting about.

How wrong am I, Tom?

Stability has its costs as well as its benefits --

I don't think anyone is going to argue against changes that are useful, well-implemented, and don't make life more difficult for folks who don't need those changes...

Don Baccus

AOLserver - http://www.aolserver.com/

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