Daniël Mantione wrote:
Maybe I could point again at the ipv6 patch I wrote in 2008. Back there
was even not even a response on this list, but maybe today, now the
world has run out of ipv4 addresses, the interrest in serving ipv6 is a
bit higher.

Patch still available for download here:


Best regards,

Daniël Mantione

I'll take a swing at getting this integrated sometime soon (available time waxes and wanes, as I'm sure it does for all of us). This patch is a bigger piece of functionality that the others I put in; I think 4.6 is the right target for this.

I think now is the right time to mark a 4.5.2 cvs branch; I'll try to remember how to do that and tag it.

Sorry if I missed this (now as then); I was mostly going off the SF RFEs looking for stuff to add. Actually, that's another thing I'd like to see happen tho I can't do it - clean up the bug reports and RFEs. There's a bunch of stuff sitting around from 2004 or earlier that's no longer relevant and much as I dislike closing bugs as "old version" I think that's what's needed for many of them.


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