On 4/26/19 7:09 AM, Emmanuel Lecharny wrote:
>> ERR_04122_SSL_CONTEXT_INIT_FAILURE Failed to initialize the SSL context
>> java.lang.NullPointerException: null
>> at
>> org.apache.directory.ldap.client.api.LdapNetworkConnection.connect(LdapNetworkConnection.java:689)
> It seems, from the code, that the connection times out. The NPE is
> infortunate -and we will fix it- but it’s just masking the real cause: the
> handshake never ends.
> What is the scenario you are running?

Especially, which LDAP server do you use?

In error3.txt and error4.txt I see multiple logs messages "User "userX"
successfully authenticated". Does that mean in those cases the
connection to LDAP worked and it only fails randomly? It seems there are
multiple threads involved, so maybe it's a concurrency issue...

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