The problem is probably with the last two fungicide applications, captan and Scala. These materials are not very effective against rust, and if you had a bad rust year, they probably didn't do the job. A bad rust year happens when you have frequent wetting during the time that galls on cedar trees are releasing spores, from early tight cluster through early fruit set. In addition, the other part of the disease cycle involves infections on cedars in late summer and early fall, and if you had a lot of wet weather during that period in 2007, it may have produced a lot of infections on cedars that became inoculum available to infect apples in 2008.

Since you've never had a problem before, I expect that there was an unusually high amount of inoculum last year, and the two final sprays of captan, then Scala, didn't do much to control it. Another explanation might be that in previous years, you've used an EBDC (Polyram, Dithane, Maneb, etc.) through the entire scab season, which would have handled rust. The SI (Nova) would provide good post- infection activity against rust as well as scab, so I doubt the infections happened early.

On Apr 29, 2009, at 4:37 PM, Karl Townsend wrote:

After 28 years of growing, we had our first serious rust infection last year. In the past, the thought always has been: control scab, you won't get rust.

There was virtually perfect scab control last year. We pay great attention to the mills table and try to spray just ahead of wetting periods when not protected. I do remember we got caught once last year and went in 24 hours after rain had started, not that unusual an occurance(and the reason for back to back Nova). Scab materials are polyram, polyram/nova (twice) and then captan. One spray of scala to end the season. Five applications last year.

My question, is there a time or growth period when rust control using scab control methods is known to not work?

Karl , grower in central Minnesota,USA


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