(Un-privated Reply)

Hi L.D.,

On Thu, 24 Aug 2000 20:56:14 -0400, L.D. Best wrote:

> Private reply.  You may have already written and said
> that everything was all fixed, but since I haven't seen
> that, I'll give my 2cents worth here.

Actually J.J. Young was confirmed the problem, also a
private reply.  So I guess I'm not the only one.

> I found the "Welcome Arachne Users" to be aligned left
> [default].  I removed a number of the <P align=left> and
> found that everything was still aligned to the left and
> *not* centered.

The centering syndrome happened immediately (and consistently)
after each page downloads complete.  And that's with MMEM166 core.
Guess this is version-specific, or even core-specific?

When the page loaded from a local copy (file://), or from cache
while offline (http://), the problem usually does not exist.
All aligned perfectly as expected.

> I did find some <tr><td> tags that were apparently doubled up
> instead of being ended with </tr></td> 

Really?  Strange... Didn't got any nesting error when last time
checked the page with W3C validator.  But then, probably I did
broke something.  I'll try validate it again later.

> and </td  ... but that's one thing I always do on my page designs
> to catch my own screwups. <G>

That's why I wrote my page like a structured programming language,
with nested indentations and such... <g>  According to the HTML
eBooks that I read, tables was never meant to be coded by hand,
it was designed for an automated WYSWIG editor.  Guess I should
really tried DreamWeaver instead... ;-)

> I don't have any problem at all with Arachne *always* loading
> the newest file, when I do my design SHELLED OUT FROM ARACHNE.

I have external editor installed.  Hitting F4 always brings up
MS-DOS 7's EDIT.COM with the HTML page's source code.  That's
shelled out, right?  After finished and exiting from DOS Edit,
Arachne will loaded the page from chache and displayed the
changes instantly.  So far editing HTML pages always a breeze,
just as easy as MSIE's "View source", which launching a new
Notepad window.

> Oh, I've found that the <P> tag isn't supposed to be used
> inside tables, although Arachne will read it and render it
> to screen.  The tutorials I saw, and the pages I create, use
> <br><br> to replace the <p> tag inside tables.

Which tutorials?  Why W3C's validator never warn me about this?
So far the page rendered nicely on virtually any browsers...
Perhaps you referred to severely outdated tutorials? ;-)

> I want to help if I can ... I *know* the frustrations of
> writing web pages using just your brain and an editor. <VBG>

Ain't we all? ;-)

http://survpc.net/ - Older PC and DOS Internet (my new domain)
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