first one :)

On 19/02/2008, Martin Hoeller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 19 Feb 2008, Brett Porter wrote:
> > oops - you need to edit plexus.xml too.
> Which one, a find -name plexus.xml gives me this:
> ./archiva-data/conf/plexus.xml
> ./apache-archiva-1.0.1/conf/plexus.xml
> ./apache-archiva-1.0.1/apps/archiva/conf/plexus.xml
> I assume it's either the first or the second one.
> > If you could file one bug that captures all the problems with this
> > given document (preferably with a patch ;) it would be much
> > appreciated.
> Ok, I'll file one as soon as my archiva is running as it should :)
> Many thanks to your Brett!
> - martin
> --
> Martin Höller                   | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> *x Software + Systeme           |
> Karmarschgasse 51/2/20          | Tel: +43-1-6060114-30
> A-1100 Vienna, Austria          | Fax: +43-1-6060114-71

Brett Porter

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