Another method is to embed the control records for all environments in the
code, keyed to a server specific value that you can access, like hostname
or IP address.  This can make deployment much easier, as it reduces the
need to coordinate control records on the servers and the need to change
the workflow arguments.  


For more security (since you are embedding your passwords in a text file),
encrypt the values and pass in the encryption key (which could be the same
for each server) as a parameter as you are doing with the login
information now.  When the process runs, decrypt each value, use it, then
drop the variables.


Kelly Logan

Senior Remedy Developer

Cybernetic Solutions, <>  Inc.

(313) 586-8334



From: White, Linn [] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2009 1:12 PM
To: ARSperl User Discussion
Subject: Re: [Arsperl-users] Best Practices Question


On our system, we just used a configuration file to handle the log-in
details, etc.  The code was portable across all systems(*nix and windows).
The only thing that needed to be changed was the config files.



From: Steve McDonald [] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2009 11:37 AM
Subject: [Arsperl-users] Best Practices Question

Good day all!


Like most programmers, I like to write code that is as portable across my
dev/qa/production environments as possible.  I've played with passing
arguments in workflow as well as reading control records located on each
server and each have their pluses and minuses.  How have you all handled
this in your environments when supplying the
servername/username/password/misc for the code you write?  Is there a
better way I've overlooked?


Solaris 10

Informix 10

ARSystem 7.1


As always, I appreciate your expertise.



Steve McDonald

Sr. Remedy Applications Programmer

Choice Hotels International



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