Contrary to this popular belief I'd like to differ.

Lets ask ourselves whom did Lachit Barphukan, Lakshminath Bezbaruah,  
Jyotiprasad, Bishnu Rabha followed as role model?

Actually, in today's north east every child is subjected to rat race of 
qualifying for a bread earning job. Childs vision starts from a doctor / 
enginer and moves upto a peon, but necessarily a government job. All children 
are subjected to a common sylabus in schools. Do you think it leaves much space 
for any creative thinking?

Political reality of the day is honests and patriots are the fools. Child 
learns how honesty and dedication is valued in reality and becomes smart to 

Lachit was regarded hero by his contemporary society; who are today's hero? 
everyone knows it better!

I think what all of us want would be possible, when our society allows children 
to follow his passion and achieve his / her dream.

In Liberty
Satyajit Dey
New Delhi

2009/1/27 Sailaj Baruah <>

For any community to progress there have to be a few role models for the youth 
to follow.

In todays Assam there seems to be a dearth of such role models. Lachit 
Barphukan,Lakshminath Bezbaruah,Jyotiprasad,Bishnu Rabha belong to previous 
generations-heroes no doubt but not flesh and blood to whom todays generation 
can relate to.

Perhaps Bhupen Hazarika is the only living legend of Assam to whom todays 
Assamese youth can look up to.

Bengal has its Ganguly,Amartya Sen,Bipasha Basu and so on.Maharashtra has 
Sachin,Gavaskar and so on.The gujratis have their Ambanis,Modi-the super 
CM,Irfan and Yusuf-the cricketer brothers.

Sadly India's north-east seems to be lacking in such icons.Let the community 
nurture and promote talent in a big way-encourage every good effort and result 
acheived by our citizens.

The media plays a very big role in creating and sustaining a positive image. 
Schools,colleges and guardians have to play a major role in creating the right 
environment for leaders to grow.

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