It seems this has stumped a lot of myth users. Proposed solutions
include setting kernel arguments as mentioned above or setting the CPU
governor to "performance" from "ondemand" (i.e. echo performance > /

However, it looks like the solution, in this case, is simple (and the
reason for it somewhat intuitive). I mistakenly had my playback
profile set to use 2 CPUs (Setup->TV Setting->Playback->CPU--
Profile). After setting the number of CPUs back to 1, I've been unable
to reproduce this error. I was still able to make the Apple TV
unceremoniously crash by watching a station with a weak signal (but
with a different error).

Hope this helps someone else.


On Oct 1, 11:25 am, Bruce E <> wrote:
> I'm still having occasional issues with my apple TV's video getting
> hung while watching Live TV, requiring a reboot. The culprit seems to
> be related to the following error message:
>  NVP: Timed out waiting for free video buffers
> I've done some googling, but haven't been able to find a definitive
> answer. Some possible leads include passing "noapic" and/or
> "acpi_use_timer_override" as kernel arguments (I assume you can do
> this by simply editing the grub/menu.lst file and running update-
> grub), but I haven't tried this yet.
> Has anyone else encountered this error? If so, does anyone have a
> fix?
> Thanks,
> Bruce

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