Re: Announcing Codename Cygnus - an Interactive Radio Drama for iOS!

@jonathon, I'll keep watch on the updates. Just out of interest how many missions are planned? I see buttons for a mission 1 and 2, each of which i expect covers several episodes, but it'd be nice to know, or is it just something that is going to be continuous? Also, will the side quests be extra content for the initial missions, or will they be more like extra missions or episodes that don't cover the main plot of the game.

if the latter, you might considder giving them a more spy themed name than "side quests" perhaps secondary objectives or sub missions.

@doctor, it would be rather fun to do a prologue in my sean connery voice, however for some reason the voice activation only seemed to work when I was wearing headphones, meaning it'd be a little difficult to record, --- I'm not sure if this is a game issue or something about the iphone changing mike setup, though if anyone has any ideas I'd appreciate hearing them as that wo uld be quite fun to do.


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