On 18 February 2010 22:23, silky <michaelsli...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Now see what you need is a system that does automatic, on-demand,
> mirroring over EC2 or GAE or some other such thing. Auto-akamai. Maybe
> even a buy-in (sell-in) co-op akamai, where distributed hosts offer up
> some of their bandwidth and intercept people heading to you on the
> given path. Like some self-adjusting traffic system. Now, the details
> are important so ... oh wait, I'm on the wrong mailing list.

Before you do any of that you need a mechanism by which to predict that a
half-moralising sermon/whinge about people using too much bandwidth to
download bullcrap is going to go international.

David Connors (da...@codify.com)
Software Engineer
Codify Pty Ltd - www.codify.com
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