hello everyone,
i have a problem to read out the names from my animation in the
i create a animation in maxon cinema 4d and export a collada file with
an animation sequence...
how can i access to this animation, because maxon creates other names
in the collada file as in the cinema editor scene... so i must read
out the names like this...
skinAnimation = (model.animationLibrary["default"] as
AnimationData).animation as SkinAnimation;
but without naming my animation i cannot ceate my animation in away ;-
how it works, when i try this
trace(" ==> " + model.animationLibrary); i get an trace like this ==>
[object AnimationLibrary]
trace(" ==> " + model.animationLibrary[0]); i get a undefined trace
any solutions!?
in my example i use the cat from katopz with bones, import the dae in
maxon, make my animation an export it to my collada...

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