Hi all,
   I'm trying to backup some windows servers but am getting an error when
files have special characters (accents, ñ, etc) on their name:

Running: /usr/local/bin/smbclient \\\\winserver\\Folder -U bkpuser -E
-d 1 -c tarmode\ full -mSMB3 -Tc -
full backup started for share Folder
Xfer PIDs are now 37905,37902
tar:316  tarmode is now full, system, hidden, noreset, quiet
tarExtract: /usr/local/bin/BackupPC_tarExtract: got Full = 1
tarExtract: /usr/local/bin/BackupPC_tarExtract starting... (XferLogLevel = 1)
[ skipped 4 lines ]
tar:974  Fatal: Can't translate pathname './Ajuste Inflación Año
2019.xps' to UTF-8
tar:710  do_list fail NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL
tar:717  Total bytes received: 289563505
[ skipped 5 lines ]
readOutput: sysread returns 0 and got EOF (exit ok = , )
XferErr Non-zero exit status from smbclient
[ skipped 1 lines ]
tarExtract: Done: 0 errors, 7 filesExist, 289563505 sizeExist,
285326858 sizeExistComp, 7 filesTotal, 289563505 sizeTotal, 0
filesNew, 0 sizeNew, 0 sizeNewComp, 110 inodeLast
Xfer PIDs are now
Got fatal error during xfer (Non-zero exit status from smbclient)
Backup aborted (Non-zero exit status from smbclient)

   I'm running BackupPC 4.4.0 on FreeBSD 12.1-RELEASE-p8 whith samba
4.11.8. I've playing with different locales and charmaps on the OS and on
smb4.conf, downgraded to samba 4.10.15, tried with GNU tar, and even
patched Smb.pm as posted here [1], with no luck. I don't know what else to
   So I wonder if this is a known bug, it's smbclient, backuppc, tar or
what? Is there some known workaround? I'd appreciate any help you could


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