Hi there,

On Wed, 2 Sep 2020, Mariano Aliaga wrote:
tar:974  Fatal: Can't translate pathname './Ajuste Inflaci?n A?o2019.xps' to 
... So I wonder if this is a known bug, it's smbclient, backuppc,
tar or what? Is there some known workaround? I'd appreciate any help
you could give.

I think it's a message from 'tar'.  (That's because that's what it says. :)

It's not what I'd call a bug, it's the unfortunate result of the many
changes to the capabilities of both utilties and filesystems over the
time that they've been in use.  There can be ambiguities when strings
are translated between some character sets, and you really don't want
that kind of ambiguity in file names.

What's your output from 'locale'?

Just a stab in the dark but you might try UTF-16, as mentioned here:


Life was so simple when everything was done with 7-bit ASCII codes...



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