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--- In Baraya_Sunda@yahoogroups.com, "Remi" <rsyaif...@...> wrote:
> Sok obrolkeun sing pogot... ngarah rame!:))
> Kabita... hayang maca buku na euy!
> Nambahan info:
> How can we understand the world in which we find ourselves? Over twenty years 
> ago Stephen Hawking wrote A Brief History of Time, about where the universe 
> came from, and where it is going. But that book left some important questions 
> unanswered. Why is there a universe - why is there something rather than 
> nothing? Why do we exist? Why are the laws of nature what they are? Did the 
> universe need a designer and creator? It was Einstein's dream to discover the 
> grand design of the universe, a single theory that explains everything. 
> Physicists in Einstein's day hadn't made enough progress in understanding the 
> forces of nature to make that hope realistic. In recent years the development 
> of M-theory, the top-down approach to cosmology, and new observations such as 
> those made by satellites like NASA's COBE and WMAP, have brought us closer 
> than ever to that single theory, and to being able to answer those deepest of 
> questions. And so Stephen and I set out to write a sequel to A Brief History 
> of Time to attempt to answer the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and 
> Everything. The result is The Grand Design, the product of our four-year 
> effort. In The Grand Design we explain why, according to quantum theory, the 
> cosmos does not have just a single existence, or history, but rather that 
> every possible history of the universe exists simultaneously. We question the 
> conventional concept of reality, posing instead a "model-dependent" theory of 
> reality. We discuss how the laws of our particular universe are 
> extraordinarily finely tuned so as to allow for our existence, and show why 
> quantum theory predicts the multiverse - the idea that ours is just one of 
> many universes that appeared spontaneously out of nothing, each with 
> different laws of nature. And we assess M-Theory, an explanation of the laws 
> governing the multiverse, and the only viable candidate for a complete 
> "theory of everything."
> http://www.its.caltech.edu/~len/books.html

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