On Thu, Apr 24, 2008 at 10:30:30PM -0400, lance raymond wrote:
> Seriously though, ignoring the barrybackup not syncing (error posted
> before), how do you initiate the transfer/sync?  The old treo worked via a
> pilot-link, but that was a while back, so is the sync done through evolution
> or a script kicked off from the cli?

You can use msynctool (cli) or KitchenSync (gui).  Those are the main ones
that I'm familiar with, and I would recommend starting with msynctool
first, just because the configuration dialogs in KitchenSync are a little
funky with certain plugins.

Syncing goes something like this (once you have everything installed).


        Make backups of your data!

                - use barrybackup for your device
                - backup evolution too, see:


        msynctool --addgroup EvoBarry
        msynctool --addmember EvoBarry evo2-sync
        msynctool --addmember EvoBarry barry-sync
        msynctool --configure EvoBarry 1
        msynctool --configure EvoBarry 2
        msynctool --showgroup EvoBarry

Each configure command will bring up an editor, where you can enter
the configuration details for each plugin.  For Barry, a default template
will appear, containing comments and the single config line you need
to setup.  This line contains the PIN number of your device, and a
1 or 0 depending if you want to sync contacts and calendar items.
Normally you use <PIN> 1 1

For Evolution, it is an XML configuration, pointing to your home directory,
where evolution stores its local databases.  For example, on my system,
I use:


Actual syncing:

        Make sure that evolution is not running.

                evolution --force-shutdown

        Run the sync.

                msynctool --sync EvoBarry

- Chris

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