Jochen KÃpper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Alex> I wonder where this is documented, though.
> ,----[ (info "(bbdb)Mail Sending Interfaces") ]
> |    If more than one person has the same mail-alias, then that alias
> | expands to the addresses of all of those people; in this way you can
> | maintain mailing lists within the BBDB.
> `----

How did you find it?  I used 'i mail-alias RET' and found 
`bbdb-expand-mail-aliases' -- but that was the only match.

Only now that I saw you hand found it, I decided to search again, and
using the node name you provided, I found it.  From the top menu,
'Mailing Lists' is clearly the wrong thing with the right name, and
the node 'Interfaces' (and from there on to 'Mail Sending Interfaces')
is not that obvious.  Even then, the info appears on line 70 with no
subheading indicating where the info is.

(My BBDB from CVS is quite old, but I assume the situation has not
changed much.)  I think we need to improve this.

The following patch has a strange limitation.  When I use 'i
mail-alias' it will only show me the *top* of the node where the
@cindex was used, instead of jumping to the right place.  Does anybody
know why?  I think it is better than the current situation, but I

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