I have some structured HTML documents that are setup basically like this

  <h1>Chapter 1 Header</h1>
    <p> ... a lot of text</p>
      <p> ... a lot of text</p>
      <p> ... a lot of text</p>
      <p> ... a lot of text</p>
  <h1>Chapter 2 Header</h1>
      <p> ... a lot of text</p>


What I would like to be able to do easily is, for example, fold up Chapter 1 (so everything from the first <h1> to the NEXT <h1>) without having to go through 10 or 20 screens of text looking for the place to fold to.

I don't see a fast way of doing this, so I've considered putting (unnecessary) <div>'s around each chapter.

Is this the type of thing that would be at all useful to anyone else? Enough to warrant a feature request? Or should I just div up the page?

(Note: this could also apply to LaTeX files where you would want to fold a \Section, though I've not looked at LaTeX files in 8.5x yet, so it may be there)

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