Hi Shlomi,

Shlomi Fish wrote:
Yes, those or Beginning Perl ( http://www.perl.org/books/beginning-perl/ ) would be my choice too. I admit I haven't read them, but I'm judging them based on reputation.

However, my point was that my pupil found this book in a library and borrowed it (which didn't cost her anything), and I can either tell her that it's OK to read it and learn from it, or that she should print or buy (depending on her preferences) a different book.

I think the consensus seems to be that if your student had asked you for a book 
suggestion, this one might not have many people's choices.  :-)  But as a teacher, I 
think you should use the "learn-it-my-way" card as rarely as possible.  I, for 
one, prefer books over web pages and perldoc since I prefer to read on paper than on a 
screen (printing's close...but not quite the same...)

If your pupil has chosen this book from the library all on her own, I think you should let her be and 
wait to see if she says, "I don't understand this chapter since it gives very little 
details...".  To this, you open your bag and answer, "Funny you should ask because I have 
another book <here> with the answer you need..."  :-)


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