Hi all,

I've updated BLFS to the newest (1.68.1) version of the XSL
stylesheets. I have been rendering the [B,H]LFS books for quite
a while now using these stylesheets, and as best as I can tell,
it renders the same as the 1.67.2 stylesheets.

Except in PDF. Our custom FO stylesheets will need some work.
For the time being, Anduin has the 1.67.2 stylesheets installed
(as does Belgarath), so rendering PDF for installation on the
website download areas won't be an issue. However, for locally
rendered PDF using the 1.68.1 stylesheets, it simply doesn't
format correctly right now. Nothing really horrible, just the
left margin is messed up in a bunch of places.

Hopefully, after Manuel is finished with the BLFS-6.0 translation
he is working on, he can devote some time to performing his magic
on the custom FO stylesheets and fix the PDF rendering issue.


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[GNU C Library stable release version 2.3.4] [Linux 2.6.10 i686]
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