The BMW UUC Digest 
Volume 3 : Issue 565 : "text" Format

Messages in this Issue:
  Re: high mounted center brake light question
  Z3 Coupe door rust issues


Date: Wed, 5 Sep 2007 21:55:43 -0400
From: "Stan Jackson Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Subject: Re: high mounted center brake light question

Instead of instituting a national healthcare system, we ought to lobby for a
national liability system (with arbitration to determine awards, and some
sort of penalty system for habitual losers).  We'd undoubtedly save more
money that way.  Medical costs would go down as well, since there would be
no need for malpractice insurance.  And businesses would probably even put
up with the increased tax burden, since it would reduce their legal


> Date: Wed, 5 Sep 2007 19:59:44 -0400
> From: "Cledus Snow" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> You remind me of this story from the True Stella Awards:
> Ron and Kristie Simmons. The couple's 4-year-old son, Justin, was
> killed in a tragic lawnmower accident in a licensed daycare facility,
> and the death was clearly the result of negligence by the daycare
> providers. The providers were clearly deserving of being sued, yet
> when the Simmons's discovered the daycare only had $100,000 in
> insurance, they dropped the case against them and instead sued the
> manufacturer of the 16-year-old lawn mower because the mower didn't
> have a safety device that 1) had not been invented at the time of the
> mower's manufacture, and 2) no safety agency had even suggested needed
> to be invented. A sympathetic jury still awarded the family $2
> million.
> Cheers,
> Jim Laing
> Evo Clown
> <OBMWC> I hate control arm bushing installs <OBMWC>


Date: Thu, 06 Sep 2007 20:17:43 -0400
From: Ed MacVaugh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Z3 Coupe door rust issues

Had a dealer pull the service history on a 2001 Z3 coupe and the last 
entry at 49,000 miles and three years into the warranty (2004) was an 
entry that said 'doors rusted through'.

Anyone ever heard of such a thing?

Car was sold and serviced through Heishman BMW in Arlington VA for its 
entire life and NoVa isn't known as the rust belt . . . .



End of [bmwuucdigest] digest(2 messages)

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