
Am 25.11.22 um 14:02 schrieb Michael Meeks:

On 23/11/2022 17:22, Andreas Mantke wrote:
You try to mislead the audience a bit here.

    I see no evidence of that from Thorsten.

It's not a 'donor' but a business entity from the eco system.
And it is not a donation but a business deal.

    I've been criticized for many things, but being criticized in
relation to Collabora's donations to TDF is a newish one =)

    Please stop repeatedly mis-characterizing our donations.

I quote from another email on this list, which explains a bit the
meaning of 'donor'/'donation':

--- begin quote -----

For those who like wikipedia:

Per se donations are given without return consideration. In theory.

In German language 'donation/donor/donate' translate to
It is quite similar to the English 'spend'. Both derive from the common
linguistic root.
At some point in the Anglo-Saxon environment 'spend' got more and more
the meaning in the spirit of 'spend money', 'cost'.

German language kept the meaning of 'generous', 'unconditional',
'voluntary', 'charitable', 'non-profit', etc. and 'without return

--- end quote ----

If you get an asset from a charity and give back something (e.g. money)
in return, it's not a donation, but a business deal. And this applies to
this whole story here.


## Free Software Advocate
## Plone add-on developer
## My blog: http://www.amantke.de/blog

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