Hi Thorsten,

Am 27.11.22 um 13:00 schrieb Thorsten Behrens:

Thank you very much for taking the initiative to respond.

I'm still curious to know any opinion and explanation about:
Am 26.11.22 um 16:14 schrieb Stephan Ficht:
Am 18.11.22 um 11:30 schrieb Paolo Vecchi:
"Eventual limitations related to tasks, areas, projects or bugs on which the in-house developers should not work, eg. third parties are already engaged with them, shall be regulated through separate agreements and relevant communications between TDF and the third parties."

In general this is more than unusual from my point of view.
Can anyone here explain why an employer should accept restrictions on their employee's activities from third parties? Would she/he accept it herself/himself as an employer?

You, being an employer, would you accept the famous 'one sentence' when hiring for your company?


Stephan Ficht, Member of the Board of Trustees
Affiliation: The Document Foundation

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