> Out of curiosity, and without wanting to get into the whole is it good/is
it bad/is it fair thing:
> What is it that the people who complain about off-shoring (which is quite
different to out-sourcing BTW) want done about it.

For one, I want heavy penalties levied against companies that off-shore
work.  Call it an intelectual property terrif if you like.  Second, I want
the government to establish work programs with that money so that people put
out of work by off-shoring are able to have some kind of job available to

> Isn't America built on Free Enterprise? Are you going to tell these
companies that they CAN'T take out a contract with an Indian company to
provide help desk support services. Where do you draw the line? Can Wal-Mart
buy toys from China? Can a tech-company outsource help desk to an American
company? Can it outsource to an American company with worldwide offices?

A country based on total free enterprise isn't neccessarily a good thing.
Moreover, even in the past, our nation had tarrifs so that cheap foriegn
imports wouldn't put American businessmen out of business.  For one, we can
extend the concept of tarrifs so that they protect not only business men,
but workers as well.

> I think it would be great if we could stop the brain-drain which threatens
the development of future technological advances, but I'm not sure how it
can be done.

I think that would require corperate responsability laws restricting (not
forbidding, just restricting) all outsourcing (outsourcing of anykind
weakens the strength of unionizing... to avoid corperate abuse, regulations
protecting workers in those outsource companies should be enatced), placing
tarrifs on off-shore work, and basically, make it more cost effective for
companies to hire or outsource within the country rather than off-shore.

The only other option I see is turning the economy into socialist one, or
else the worker/consumer base may collapse entirely, killing our ecconomy
completely.  We have only seen the begining of off-shoring of Amerian jobs.
It will only get worse if something is not done.

Michael Harney


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