On Thu, Mar 11, 2004 at 02:01:39AM -0800, Richard Baker wrote:

> Are you sure that's why companies get tax breaks? I would've thought
> it would be much more sensible to give companies tax breaks because it
> will encourage economic growth and give Americans a better standard of
> living.

Yes, of course that's the reason. The maximum sustainable investment
(in the economics sense, meaning increasing the amount of equipment,
buildings, land, knowledge, training, etc.) possible will provide
long-term benefits for everyone, overall. Tax breaks that encourage this
sort of investment are a net benefit, unless you believe the government
can invest the money more productively (ha!).

By the way, in the message you quoted there were a lot of "we's" and
"ours". That seems presumptuous to me -- the sentiments expressed there
certainly are not shared by me (and I think there may be a lot of other
Americans who would not want to be associated with those "we's" and

I'm still reading up on the employment issue, in case anyone still wants
to discuss it. There is a lot of conflicting data. I'll post what I've
seen soon.

Erik Reuter   http://www.erikreuter.net/

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