Rich wrote:

> > My atheist father used to tell me that "might makes right" is a bad 
> > philosophy?  Why?
> Isn't "might makes right" basically the religious position? 

Uh, no. At least not in the religion I was born into. We do have a
saying which translates into 'Truth always wins' but that is never a
guarantee. Most of the mythology is filled with demi-gods whining about
how they have been defeated by the demons. And their constant refrain
during these situations is 'X isn't right but he is mightier than us,
and if you don't help us now, then it will be a case of might being
right, and that wouldn't be ,y'know, could you kindly use
*your* might to put things to right...?'

There is, as far as I can make out, the usual collection of 'right
actions/values' and anyone who goes against them, be it the gods and
demigods themselves, is 'wrong', no matter how mighty they may be.

> Or: how does God Himself decide what is good and evil? Isn't 
> He, at least, basically in the same position as us atheists?

Gods tend to be monitors in this respect - they have a set of rules to
follow and enforce. The rules weren't devised by them but their help is
needed to ensure that those inclined towards bullying don't get away
with it. Since, direct divine intervention hardly occurs, there are a
lot of tales and sayings praising the importance of a strong will, and
self-reliance, and keeping faith in gods while one battles against evil.



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