On 08/09/2006, at 7:54 AM, John W Redelfs wrote:

I confess that I do not know as much about atheism as an atheist does, or a
least not as much that is correct.

Yes, that's clear.

But neither do atheists know as much
about religion as religious people do, at least not as much that is

No. Wrong. You assumed that all atheists were always atheists just there. I'm not. Was a practising and fully believing Christian, raised C of E, attending evangelical churches, Christian summer camps, ran Bible study groups at school and uni.

Maybe *many* atheists don't know much about religion, but many do too.

Of course, you can dismiss me by saying something like "well, you stopped believing, so you must have not understood or truly believed", but that's both arrogant and disingenuous.

  The scriptures cannot
be correctly understood unless you believe them.

Utter rot, sorry.

Therefore, statements made
about religion (scriptures) by atheists are almost always made from a
position of bustling ignorance.

And that doesn't follow from your last assertion anyway, even if your last assertion were true.


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