Le Saturday 26 July 2008 04:57:40 Jon Harrop, vous avez écrit :
> > If I might stick my oar in: why don't the OCaml community write an IDE
> > for OCaml in OCaml using Camlp4 for parsing with throwback and LablGTK
> > for the GUI?
> However, the resulting program would most likely be difficult to distribute
> due to licensing issues (e.g. if you want to reuse OCaml's typechecker or
> top-level) and could not be a viable commercial product due to the
> limitations of OCaml itself.

It's amazing how you criticize the lack of this or that in the community, but 
are reluctant to help it.

I guess the IDE you mentioned at first place would have been a non-commercial 
software under some sort of open source license, so why this limitation when 
you *may* contribute.. ?

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Discover a land
That already populated with Indians?

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