Hi Alec,

That's a fun one. Is this the vanilla tut4 design after running
update_casper_blocks? I can try and recreate the problem here....


On Mon, 14 Nov 2016 at 16:35 Alec Josaitis <josai...@umich.edu> wrote:

Dear Dave and Glenn,

You were both correct, my MLIB_DEVEL_PATH returned any empty string; the
variable was never set. I'm amazed I got to tutorial 4 without that mistake
making itself present! I am now able to implement the green blocks as
expected, and when I run the Simulation -> Update Diagram command, I do not
receive any errors in a .log file. Indeed no error.log is even generated
(as they had previously). However, I am still unable to compile the .slx
file because of the following error:

Operands to the || and && operators must be convertible to logical scalar

I've checked the Casper Archive and noticed someone else having a similar
<https://www.mail-archive.com/casper@lists.berkeley.edu/msg05733.html>, but
there wasn't a clear resolution and I'm not quite sure how to fix this. This
provides the warning statements offered by MATLAB while running System ->
Update Diagram (and again, this is all I have because no error log file was
created). Do you have a suggestion on what could be causing this issue?

Thank you all again for your recent and productive help!



On Thu, Nov 10, 2016 at 5:12 PM, David MacMahon <dav...@berkeley.edu> wrote:

Hi, Alec,

I suspect your MLIB_DEVEL_PATH environment variable is not getting set.
This error message...

An error or warning occurred during a callback while saving

…shows that matlab is trying to save the casper_library_bus.slx file in
"/casper_library" (i.e. one level down from the root directory).  I suspect
that’s not really where you’re mlib_devel lives.  The matlab code that
writes this file is shown in this part of the error message...

Error in casper_library_bus_init (line 285)
    filename = save_system(mdl,[getenv('MLIB_DEVEL_PATH'),
'/casper_library/', 'casper_library_bus']);

As you can see, if "getenv('MLIB_DEVEL_PATH')" returns an empty string, the
the file name which will be used is "/casper_library/casper_library_bus"
(plus any extension that gets added by matlab/simulink).  This is the path
that is being used (see previous error message) so that indicates that
MLIB_DEVEL_PATH is not being set in your environment (or maybe set but not
"exported").  I think this is supposed to happen automatically as part of
the "startsg" script.


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