Dear Ramesh,

Here is the link you can download and write the image to the SD card. If possible use the 2GB SD card which is shipped along with the board.

sudo dd of=/dev/mmcblk0p1 if=~/roach1_imagebkup_20190416_2GB.img

Note mmcblk0p1 replace your SD card name

Thanks and Regards

Indrajit Vittal Barve

On 2020-04-17 19:24, Ramesh Karuppusamy wrote:
Hi Indrajit,

Useful to know - I believe I do have our original ROACH1 image
somewhere, therefore I will try what you suggested.



On 17. Apr 2020, at 15:30, Indrajit Vittal Barve <> wrote:

Dear Ramesh Karuppusamy,

This kind of issues we faced several times, We use to do re-write the SD card image. Then it gets resolved. If you want the image for the roach1 I can provide the same. Then you can copy your BOF and run your code.

Thanks and Regards

Indrajit Vittal Barve

On 2020-04-17 18:26, Ramesh Karuppusamy wrote:
Dear All,
I hope you are all staying healthy.
The gigabit ethernet on our ~10 year old ROACH1 board went silent all
of a sudden this morning. The ethernet port show no activity (the
yellow LED flickers very occasionally). On booting the unit off the SD
card, and manually bringing up the interface shows the following
message on the serial console and keeps repeating:
eth0: link is down
root@roach:~# eth0: link is up, 1000 FDX
eth0: link is down
eth0: link is up, 1000 FDX
eth0: link is down
The board does not respond to pings either.
I tried a different cable, a differ port on the switch, and opened up
the board to examine the said port - nothing looks suspicious. Does
anyone have an idea on what could be the issue here?
Thanks in advance for any of your suggestions!

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