On Fri, 2009-11-20 at 11:14 +0900, Jaakko wrote:
> I'd propose to wait for a short while (until Monday or so). I think
> there are some issues with bootstrapping (discussed with Jonathan
> yesterday) and some of the things in CHANGES.txt are currently not
> true. I'm working on bootstrap/move issues currently, so I'd propose
> to wait to fix most obvious of them before giving trunk any "official"
> beta status.

We can still incorporate changes before the final release, I wouldn't
consider this a hard-freeze yet (in fact, you'll notice that I tagged
from trunk; no 0.5 branch has been created yet).

> Also, it would be nice to have proactive repair in as well. 

I agree, but there are always items like this. I'd personally rather err
on the side of Release Early, Release Often, then to get caught up
hanging on a bit more for the Next Cool Thing.

Eric Evans

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