Dear Andrey,

Due to our company policy, I cannot view the dropbox image, but the packing you 
describe is exactly what Edward Barry described and what I expected. Two 
molecules obey the 2-fold symmetry and one molecule is lying on a 2-fold with 
two possible superimposed orientations. The question is: are there frequent 
switches between both conformations such that X-rays diffracted from both 
conformations are interfering, or are there just larger chunks of crystal with 
either conformation A or B, behaving like separate crystals? In the first case, 
one has a crystal packing disorder and, as Eleanor was hinting at, some of the 
diffraction spots may look funny or smeared, in the second case one has 

I do not know the exact method sfcheck uses, but normally to detect twinning, 
programs do not look at symmetry but look at intensity distributions. E.g. in 
case of twinning, intensities are averaged and less reflections will have 
extreme (very high or very low) values and reflections will have more average 
values. I would expect that if you expand an untwinned P21212 data set to P21 
and run the twin test, it still will come out untwinned. So if sfcheck claims 
the data is twinned, it most likely is and you have used the correct procedure. 
And in this case you should also process the data in the lower symmetry space 

What wonders me a little is that MR did not give clear solutions in P21 with 
twinned data. P21 is low symmetry and I would have expected 2 clear solutions, 
each corresponding to one of the two twin possibilities. Also, if the detwin 
procedure does what I think it does, it should not perform well if the twin 
fraction is very close to 0.5 (perfect twinning). As has been pointed out by 
others, you will have to generate the freeR flags in P21212 and expand them to 
P21, otherwise your free reflections are linked to working reflections and you 
will get artificially low free Rfactors. Also, Rfactors and free Rfactors will 
generally be lower if you use twin refinement. No reflections are discarded 
during twin refinement, what happens is that both twin orientations are taken 
into account during refinement (and for the calculation of Rfactors!).

Congratulations, it looks like you have solved your problem!

From: CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] On Behalf Of Andrey 
Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2013 12:41 AM
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] Strange density in solvent channel and high Rfree

Dear all,

As I said in the latest topic, I could not model the third molecule. But when I 
superpose the two trimmers found in P1 MR solution (link below), I get the 
first two molecules perfect aligned and the third molecule inverted! (It is 
also possible to see the 2-fold axis and the third molecule lying on it!)

I tried to run a MR with a model with two alternative positions and adjusted 
occupancy for the third molecule, but the Rfactor/free get higher (> 40%) and 
the map becomes worse - even the good ones (molecules 1 and 2) and for third 
molecule it remains bad (or worse).

A procedure that "solved" the problem (decreased the Rfactor/free and gave good 
maps for third molecule) was the following: I integrated and scaled the data in 
P21, then I ran the sfcheck and it showed a twinned data (probably because of 
the (pseudo) higher symmetry present - P21212). So, I detwinned the data (with 
detwinn) and run a MR with detwinned data that gave a very good solution with 
tree molecules in ASU (it have never happened before!). After the MR I refined 
this MR solution against the original P21 data (without detwinn procedure) with 
amplitude based twin refinement in Refmac5 and, finally, it gave a good 
statistics (R factor / free about 0.19 / 0.22; FOM ~0.8) in the first round of 
refinement. I think that procedure probably discard reflections related to 
other positions making increasing the signal of the most frequent position.

Link (.pdf):

Is there some problem in procedure described? If so, does anybody have a 
suggestion how can I model these disorder? Moreover, it seems to be a long 
range disorder (multiples positions along the all lattice), since even in P1 
the maps for this third molecule are very bad.

Thank you for all the suggestions.


2013/3/25 Eleanor Dodson 
First - I dont think you have a 3rd molecule where you have put it - or at 
least not one with full occupancy. Those maps are a clear indication that 
something is wrong. What is the Matthews coefficient for the numbers in the 
asymmetric unit?

Presumably your processing gave you a lattice which fitted the diffraction 
spots? ie you didnt miss a set of observations? You should see that at the data 
processing stage, and the different integration programs also try to report it. 
If there is non-crystallographic translation that can confuse things a bit; 
some classes of reflections might be systematically weak, but you can find if 
there is such a phenomena by doing a patterson. Or run ctruncate after merging 
the data - it checks this, and so does Xtriage.  All these options will also 
check for twinning. If there is NCT then that could explain the high Rfactor.

Are the spots nicely shaped? There are some cases of sheared crystals, which 
usually show up in distorted diffraction spots.

If this is so and you have integrated the data according to an orthogonal 
lattice, there is nothing to stop you merging those observations in a low 
symmetry. Pointless gives you good statistics on the scoring for different 
symmetry operators.
You can either run MR again in that symmetry - check all SGS consistent with 
the pointgroup, or try to work out how to position your P22121 solution in the 
new SG.  There may well be 2n+1 copies of your molecule when you double the 
size of the asymmetric unit -  all hard to check without more information.
Good luck Eleanor

On 22 March 2013 17:54, Andrey Nascimento 
<<>> wrote:
Dear all,
I have tried the procedure recommended by Zbyszek, expanding data from a higher 
symmetry and keeping the R-free set. But the map for third molecule (new 
molecule placed) are still very bad, even when a tried to reprocess data in P1 
or P2 (P 1 21 1). The previous placed molecule (present in P2 21 21 ASU) and 
its symmetry related on P21 shows a very good map, but the third molecule are 
almost completely wrong (~50 residues in 470 are placed in quite good map) and 
map does not have connectivity to build a new molecule (even in lower sigmas, 
0.8-1.0). I have tried automatic model building (AutoBuild and ARP/wARP) but 
they cannot build anything that make some sense or build a random chains 
without any sense.

I do not have an extensive knowledge of crystallography, but I have been 
thinking about some questions:

If the third molecule (the bad one) is lying on the 2-fold symmetry axis on P 2 
21 21, and since it does not have an intrinsic 2-fold symmetry axis (like 
protein molecule), how can I merge the structure factors (or intensities) 
related by symmetry and expand to lower symmetry afterwards? In this case the 
molecule lying on the 2-fold symmetry axis will have the structure factors 
wrongly merged, since the molecule is not symmetric, is it ok?

If the third molecule is lying on the 2-fold symmetry axis on P 2 21 21, and 
only another two molecules can be related by the crystallographic symmetry, is 
it a case of pseudo-symmetry? But in this case, the third molecule is 
disordered in the crystal packing (as Zbyszek said), and probably have a long 
range disorder, because I cannot get a good maps for this third molecule even 
in P1. (pseudo-symmetry + order/disorder????).

And a more philosophical question... what is the problem in process data in a 
lower symmetry? Are there mathematical/statistical problems related that can 
lead to "false-good" data?

I put a new .pdf file (ccp4bb_maps_P21.pdf) with map figures in this link:

I am sorry for so many questions and thanks in advance.


2013/3/20 Jrh <<>>
Dear Zbyszek,
I am concerned that the unmerged data would be bypassed and not preserved in 
your recommendation. I also find it counter intuitive that the merged data 
would then be unmerged into a lower symmetry and be better than the unmerged 
data; there is I imagine some useful reference or two you can direct me to that 
may well correct my lack of understanding.  Thirdly I think this a very likely 
useful case to preserve the raw diffraction images.
All best wishes,

Prof John R Helliwell DSc

On 19 Mar 2013, at 14:37, Zbyszek Otwinowski 
<<>> wrote:

> It is a clear-cut case of crystal packing disorder. The tell-tale sign is
> that data can be merged in the higher-symmetry lattice, while the number
> of molecules in the asymmetric unit (3 in P21) is not divisible by the
> higher symmetry factor (2, by going from P21 to P21212).
> From my experience, this is more likely a case of order-disorder than
> merohedral twinning. The difference between these two is that structure
> factors are added for the alternative conformations in the case of
> order-disorder, while intensities (structure factors squared) are added in
> the case of merohedral twinning.
> Now an important comment on how to proceed in the cases where data can be
> merged in a higher symmetry, but the structure needs to be solved in a
> lower symmetry due to a disorder.
> !Such data needs to be merged in the higher symmetry,assigned R-free flag,
> and THEN expanded to the lower symmetry. Reprocessing the data in a lower
> symmetry is an absolutely wrong procedure and it will artificially reduce
> R-free, as the new R-free flags will not follow data symmetry!
> Moreover, while this one is likely to be a case of order-disorder, and
> these are infrequent, reprocessing the data in a lower symmetry seems to
> be frequently abused, essentially in order to reduce R-free. Generally,
> when data CAN be merged in a higher symmetry, the only proper procedure in
> going to a lower-symmetry structure is by expanding these higher-symmetry
> data to a lower symmetry, and not by rescaling and merging the data in a
> lower symmetry.
> Zbyszek Otwinowski
>> Dear all,
>> We have solved the problem. Data processing in P1 looks better (six
>> molecules in ASU), and Zanuda shows a P 1 21 1 symmetry (three molecules
>> in
>> ASU), Rfactor/Rfree drops to 0.20978/0.25719 in the first round
>> of refinement (without put waters, ligands, etc.).
>> Indeed, there were one more molecule in ASU, but the over-merged data in
>> an orthorhombic lattice hid the correct solution.
>> Thank you very much for all your suggestions, they were very important to
>> solve this problem.
>> Cheers,
>> Andrey
>> 2013/3/15 Andrey Nascimento 
>> <<>>
>>> *Dear all,*
>>> *I have collected a good quality dataset of a protein with 64% of
>>> solvent
>>> in P 2 21 21 space group at 1.7A resolution with good statistical
>>> parameters (values for last shell: Rmerge=0.202; I/Isig.=4.4;
>>> Complet.=93%
>>> Redun.=2.4, the overall values are better than last shell). The
>>> structure
>>> solution with molecular replacement goes well, the map quality at the
>>> protein chain is very good, but in the final of refinement, after
>>> addition
>>> of a lot of waters and other solvent molecules, TLS refinement, etc. ...
>>> the Rfree is a quite high yet, considering this resolution
>>> (1.77A).(Rfree=
>>> 0.29966 and Rfactor= 0.25534). Moreover, I reprocess the data in a lower
>>> symmetry space group (P21), but I got the same problem, and I tried all
>>> possible space groups for P222, but with other screw axis I can not even
>>> solve the structure.*
>>> *A strange thing in the structure are the large solvent channels with a
>>> lot of electron density positive peaks!? I usually did not see too many
>>> peaks in the solvent channel like this. This peaks are the only reason
>>> for
>>> these high R's in refinement that I can find. But, why are there too
>>> many
>>> peaks in the solvent channel???*
>>> *I put a .pdf file (ccp4bb_maps.pdf) with some more information and map
>>> figures in this link:*
>>> *
>>> *
>>> *Do someone have an explanation or solution for this?*
>>> * *
>>> *Cheers,*
>>> *Andrey*
> Zbyszek Otwinowski
> UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas
> 5323 Harry Hines Blvd.
> Dallas, TX 75390-8816
> Tel. 214-645-6385<tel:214-645-6385>
> Fax. 214-645-6353<tel:214-645-6353>

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